Sinopse: O astronauta da IASA, John Crichton, desenvolve junto com DK, uma teoria que torna possivel a viagem interestelar utilizando a gravidade da terra. Durante o primeiro teste, o módulo é atingido por uma onda de radiação vinda do sol, que somada à manobra, abre um buraco de minhoca (Wormhole), que o manda para outro lado do universo, onde sem saber, junta-se a aliens fugitivos em moya (uma nave viva). Agora, John precisa encontrar uma maneira de voltar para casa, mas isso o colocará nas mais inesperadas aventuras. Farscape é uma série imperdivel.
1a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
1×01 - Premiere -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×02 - Throne for a Loss -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×03 - Back and Back and Back to the Future -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×04 - I, E.T. -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×05 - Exodus from Genesis -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×06 - Thank God it’s Friday. Again. -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×07 - PK Tech Girl -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×08 - That Old Black Magic -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×09 - DNA Mad Scientist -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×10 - They’ve Got a Secret -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×11 - Till the Blood Runs Clear -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×12 - The Flax -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×13 - Rhapsody in Blue -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×14 - Jeremiah Crichton -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×15 - Durka Returns -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×16 - A Human Reaction -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×17 - Through the Looking Glass -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×18 - A Bug’s Life -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×19 - Nerve -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×20 - The Hidden Memory -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×21 - Bone to be Wild -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1×22 - Family Ties -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
2×01 - Mind the Baby -> Sendspace
2×02 - Vitas Mortis -> Sendspace
2×03 - Taking the Stone -> Sendspace
2×04 - Crackers Don’t Matter -> Sendspace
2×05 - The Way We Weren’t -> Sendspace
2×06 - Picture if You Will -> Sendspace
2×07 - Home on the Remains -> Sendspace
2×08 - Dream a Little Dream -> Sendspace
2×09 - Out of Their Minds -> Sendspace
2×10 - Look at the Princess (1): A Kiss Is But a Kiss -> Sendspace
2×11 - Look at the Princess (2): I Do, I Think -> Sendspace
2×12 - Look at the Princess (3): The Maltese Crichton -> Sendspace
2×13 - My Three Crichtons -> Sendspace
2×14 - Beware of Dog -> Sendspace
2×15 - Won’t Get Fooled Again -> Sendspace
2×16 - The Locket -> Sendspace
2×17 - The Ugly Truth -> Sendspace
2×18 - A Clockwork Nebari -> Sendspace
2×19 - Liars, Guns and Money (1): A Not So Simple Plan -> Sendspace
2×20 - Liars, Guns and Money (2): With Friends Like These… -> Sendspace
2×21 - Liars, Guns and Money (3): Plan B -> Sendspace
2×22 - Die Me, Dichotomy -> Sendspace
3a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
3×01 - Season of Death -> Sendspace
3×02 - Suns and Lovers -> Sendspace
3×03 - Self Inflicted Wounds (1): Could’a, Would’a, Should’a -> Sendspace
3×04 - Self Inflicted Wounds(2): Wait for the Wheel -> Sendspace
3×05 - …Different Destinations -> Sendspace
3×06 - Eat Me -> Sendspace
3×07 - Thanks for Sharing -> Sendspace
3×08 - Green Eyed Monster -> Sendspace
3×09 - Losing Time -> Sendspace
3×10 - Relativity -> Sendspace
3×11 - Incubator -> Sendspace
3×12 - Meltdown -> Sendspace
3×13 - Scratch ‘n Sniff -> Sendspace
3×14 - Infinite Possibilities (1): Daedalus Demands -> Sendspace
3×15 - Infinite Possibilities (2): Icarus Abides -> Sendspace
3×16 - Revenging Angel -> Sendspace
3×17 - The Choice -> Sendspace
3×18 - Fractures -> Sendspace
3×19 - I-Yensch, You-Yensch -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3×20 - Into the Lion’s Den (1): Lambs to the Slaughter -> Sendspace
3×21 - Into the Lion’s Den (2): Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing -> Sendspace
3×22 - Dog with Two Bones -> Sendspace
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